Today, we are sharing a very handy mockup for logo presentations. It is a 3D logo animated mockup designed by Mashmish Studio. Before opening file and working on it kindly read instructions:
- Extract the zip file and open “3d logo loop” psd in Photoshop CC version as animation will not work on lower versions. If you only need mockup without animation then you are good to go with lower versions i.e Photoshop CS5/CS6
- After opening psd file there will be a small window asking for (cannot locate missing linked file) tap on choose button and give it the route of “NGV2 slow.mp4” already placed inside zip file
- Now the easy part, insert your logo design on the top most smart object and adjust according to wall size and save the file
- For animation go to File > Save for Web > Choose Gif and wait for few minutes so the file renders. It depends on your pc if you have 8th generation then it will take half a minute
- Save gif file contains 89 frames i.e 16-20 mb according to logo design complexity. You can resize the original image dimensions inside save for web window
Now 3D logo mockup is ready to showcase in front of your clients. Upload the file to your portfolio and receive a super realistic ripple effect of water.
Available Format: Layered PSD easy smart object insertion
License: Free for personal and commercial use
Zip File Includes: Photoshop PSD File + Link File
Mockup Resolution: 1920 x 1080 px
1. Place logo design on smart object layer
2. Photoshop requirement: Adobe Photoshop CC