Dairy products are a healthier choice for breakfast but many of us can’t enjoy them because of lactose intolerance and allergy to milk. If you search about mucus production with milk then you may find some results explaining that dairy does not contribute to making mucus. However, excessive usage of milk or milk products can indeed increase the respiratory tract mucus which can lead to asthma.
Milk is a good source of calcium necessary for stronger bones for both kids and the elderly. Choosing the right amount every day is important for people who have allergies or intolerance. They can also switch towards more refined option which has “no preservatives” and “no lactose” and vegan milk. This is the best substitute for them. Milk products such as cottage cheese, yogurt, and cream are also available without lactose.
Today, we are sharing small milk carton mockup in PSD format. You can use this mockup to display your commercial juice design as well. Background color is changeable.
Available Format: Layered PSD through smart object insertion
License: Free for personal and commercial use
Zip File Includes: Photoshop PSD File
Mockup Resolution: 2730 x 1820 px
1. Insert design on all smart objects to get similar result
2. Change the background by applying fill
3. Photoshop requirement: Adobe Photoshop CS5+