Luxury brands are usually made of high-quality materials, and the brand usually hires the most skillful people to make the product with premium materials and make them look expensive especially when the buyer is ready to spend money such as celebrities. Owning a luxury item can be considered as a status symbol in our society. On the other hand, the more a person has the less that person cares how to spend on daily shopping. Many people like to buy luxury brands only because they are going to wear the name, not the product itself though the second most important thing is exclusivity and reputation. Showing off is one of the reasons people buy luxury brands no matter if they are 100 times more expensive than a similar product. The biggest benefit of owning a luxury brand is that it is built to last longer. There is a common maxim that cheap things make you cry many times and expensive make to cry once. Buy once cry once.
Today, we are sharing a luxury brand glass window logo mockup in PSD format. Place your artwork on smart object and get a realistic outcome.
Available Format: Layered PSD easy smart object insertion
License: Free for personal and commercial use
Zip File Includes: Photoshop PSD File
Mockup Resolution: 3600 x 2400 px
1. Place artwork on smart layer
2. Photoshop requirement: Adobe Photoshop CS5+