Free Apple / Android App Store Icon Logo Mockup PSD


Every coming day more and more people are using smartphones to do everything such as home automation, checking security screens, online doctor appointments and even buying groceries from an application. If you have a retail business offline then you need to seriously think about making it online. Online shop gives your company an international market and you may receive bulk orders from abroad. You can also hire an app development company and ask for a small shop that showcases your products. The first and foremost thing before taking a new step is your business logo and it should represent your brand. Make sure it is rememberable.

Today, we are showcasing Apple/android app store icon logo mockup in PSD format. Place your artwork on a smart object and you will get a realistic shadow of the app design.

Free-Android-App-Icon-Mockup-PSD Free-Android-App-Icon-Mockup-PSDFree-Android-App-Icon-Mockup-PSDFree-Android-App-Icon-Mockup-PSD


Available Format: Layered PSD easy smart object insertion
License: Free for personal and commercial use
RAR File Includes: Photoshop PSD File
Mockup Resolution: 4000 x 3000 px

1. Place logo design on the smart object layer
2. Photoshop requirement: Adobe Photoshop CS5

Download App Icon Mockup


