For smaller delivery items mailer bags and mailer corrugated kraft boxes are used. If the product is fragile such as jewelry, electronic item, small decoration, machine component, accessories, or cosmetics then it is preferred to use delivery boxes. Mailer box is made with a corrugated sheet that can handle any type of damage such as drop from 6 feet. Soft padding is also inserted along with a bubble sheet to prevent any shock to the item inside the mailer box.
Today, we are sharing a high-resolution mailer box mockup in PSD format. It is fully customizable. Change the artwork on each side of the box by using smart layers. You can also change the background color which is divided into two parts. Apply colors as per your branding design and make the presentation ready in no time. This free mockup is created by Pixeden.
Available Format: Layered PSD easy smart object insertion
License: Free for personal and commercial use
Zip File Includes: Photoshop PSD file
Resolution: 6000 x 5000 px
1. Place your design on smart layer
2. Photoshop requirement: Adobe Photoshop CS6