Many websites allow you to create your business card if you do not want to hire a designer for this job and save a few dollars. However, if you are running short of budget then you may go to Fiverr and ask for a custom design. They can design for as low as 5 dollars. Anyway, if you are not willing to hire a freelancer then you may try online business card builders. Your card should be two-sided and one side should contain all the information regarding your company address, email, social media profile links, and your designation with card holder’s name. On the other side, a logo design or a company’s website URL is enough. You can choose the white option as it looks much more sophisticated. Before giving it for printing you can also request for emboss effect or even foil printing for the cardholder name or only the company’s logo design.
Today, we are sharing white embossed business card mockup set in PSD format. Place your artwork on each business card and get a photorealistic depiction.
Available Format: Layered PSD easy smart object insertion
License: Free for personal and commercial usage
Zip File Includes: 3 Photoshop PSD Files
Mockup Resolution: 4500 x 3000 px
1. Place your artwork on smart layers
2. Photoshop requirement: Adobe Photoshop CS5+