Whenever it comes to design table tent for a restaurant or food chain use fever graphics and content. Table tents are self-standing promotional display units but they should be printed on heavy cardboard so they can stand upright on counters, desks or any other plane surface. This mockup can also be used as a reserved table card.
Today, we are providing a table tent mockup set in PSD format. There are 5 different compositions of table tent and one of them is created with a realistic background. This table is created by mockups-design.
Available Format: Layered PSD easy smart object insertion
License: Free for personal and commercial use
Zip File Includes: Photoshop PSD File
Mockup Resolution: 3000 x 2250 px
Artwork Resolution: 1275 x 1800 px
1. Place your menu design on smart layer
2. Photoshop requirement: Adobe Photoshop CS5+