Free Closeup iPhone 16/15 Pro Max Mockup Set


Closeup mockups are used when there is intricate detailed artwork that needs to be highlighted and zoomed in to show the quality that the designer has produced. Icons are usually grid-based and they are neatly created so they can provide great depth. This makes them look crisp on smaller resolutions as well as larger resolutions. Closeup of the design shows the confidence of the artist in how much work has been done. There are many times that smaller shades and gradients are used to make the icon set look premium. It can be seen in IOS as they are designed on a special grid layout. Closeup also depicts deep details and this makes the presentation unique.

Today, we are sharing a closeup iPhone 15 and iPhone 16 Pro Max mockup set in PSD format. Place your artwork on a smart object and get a realistic outcome. iPhone 15 and 16 series look alike and they don’t have any design differences so you can use them both interchangeably.

Free Closeup iPhone 1615 Pro Max Mockup Set Free Closeup iPhone 1615 Pro Max Mockup Set Free Closeup iPhone 1615 Pro Max Mockup Set


Available Format: Layered PSD through smart object insertion
License: Free for personal and commercial use
Zip File Includes: 3 Stationery Mockups
Resolution: 4500 x 3000 Px

1. Place your design on smart object
2. Photoshop requirement: Adobe Photoshop CS5+

Download iPhone 15/16 Pro max Mockup Set


