Your advertising should be a perfect distraction. How to achieve is the question. Many of you will think of flashy lights, a few will paste reflective lights, some will add red color to the advertising or some of you will think of 3D letters. However, they are all used and reused by many, they make an impact and draw attention without question.
When it comes to advertising, the best possible solution to draw more attention is simplicity. Make sure there is no advertising present near your billboards and the background or wall has a neutral color so all the focus goes to the advertising. You can also choose a black wall and place your advertising at the center of the wall. This way eyes will follow the advertising and more people will read.
Today, we are sharing a clean and simple wall-mounted billboard mockup in PSD format. Place your artwork on a smart object and get a realistic outcome.
Available Format: Layered PSD easy smart object insertion
License: Free for personal and commercial use
File format: 2 Photoshop PSD Files
Resolution: 4000 x 3000 Px
Artwork Size: 2803 x 1307 Px
1. Place your artwork on a smart object and save the file
2. Photoshop requirement: Adobe Photoshop CS5+