Have you ever asked this question from yourself as a designer that why more than 2 fold brochures are called accordion? Here is the answer to the question: As we have seen bi-fold and tri-fold are frequently used by companies. More than tri-fold are rare and if the brochure has more content to be inserted one more panel is added to the tri-fold which makes it accordion fold means a 4-fold brochure. You will also experience from 4-fold to 10-fold brochures and they are all called accordion. This accordion’s name was taken from the portable musical instrument with bellows. After writing about the accordion I started thinking that it could be a bellow brochure instead of an accordion brochure. You can even name it a zig-zag brochure. However, it is renowned as an accordion brochure.
Today, we are sharing a 3.5 x 8 inches accordion fold brochure mockup in PSD format. Place your artwork on the smart object once instead of placing them one by one. Use any texture as background to get a realistic outcome.
Available Format: Layered PSD easy smart object insertion
License: Free for personal and commercial use
Zip File Includes: Photoshop PSD File
Mockup Resolution: 2730 x 1820 px
Artwork Resolution: 3.5 x 8 Inches (Single Panel) Size
1. Place brochure design at once by using smart object
2. Photoshop requirement: Adobe Photoshop CS4+