2 Free Extra Long Landscape Bi-Fold Brochure Mockup PSD Files


There is always a question asked from designers what is the best size for the brochure? Many will say A4, some will be ready to start working on bi-fold and some will ask you to go for a creative cutout. If you are not too concerned about the sizing but at the same time would like to try something new then we would suggest you go for an extra long landscape bi-fold brochure which can reside easily inside the flyer holders. You can compose your content easily whether it is a pictorial brochure or a content base. Use half of the page for the extended image and half for the content to make it easier and quicker to format.

Today, we are sharing an extra-long landscape bi-fold brochure mockup in PSD format. Place your artwork on smart objects and change the background as per your choice. There are two PSD mockups available in the zip file.

2 Free Extra Long Landscape Bi-Fold Brochure Mockup PSD Files 2 Free Extra Long Landscape Bi-Fold Brochure Mockup PSD Files


Available Format: Layered PSD easy smart object insertion
License: Free for personal and commercial use
Zip File Includes: 2 Photoshop PSD files
Resolution: 4000 x 3200 px

1. Use smart object to place your designs
2. Photoshop requirement: Adobe Photoshop CS5+

Download Brochure Mockup Set


